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Study Questions and Essay Topics 에는 다음과 같이 Answer도 있습니다.
Study Questions and Essay Topics
According to Number the Stars, why would growing up in a time of war make the normal process of maturing more complicated?
Answer for Study Question 1 >>
As a child matures, she goes through a time of questioning. Comparing herself to the examples she sees, a judgment is made about behavior. She wonders if she behaves like a child or like an adult. The war forces Annemarie to be more mature in certain situations, but in others she must be protected because she is so young. Under the unusual circumstances of war, individuals, both young and old, must adapt to different roles. Annemarie needs to be responsible in ways she would not have to normally. This gives her the impression of being more like an adult. But she is also kept from knowing too much, because it would be inappropriate to tell a person her age everything about the war. So she is sometimes treated like an adult, and sometimes treated like a child. Annemarie is unsure where she stands because she is in the natural process of growing older. But this process is made more difficult for her by the demands and restrictions that living during a war put on her.
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